Off-highway manufacturers have tended to rely heavily on end-of-line (EOL) testing, particularly in engine and drivetrain, which leads to high repair costs and low first time yield as the defects aren’t found until after the parts are completely assembled. Defects in these specialized vehicles are costly to repair, and customers are looking for reliability. Think of the farmer whose tractor breaks down in the field during the busy harvest season or a mining truck that fails at a distant, hard to reach location. Off-highway OEMs also have to deal with many model types to create vehicles that are specific to different tasks.
Sciemetric’s end-to-end solution for the Off-Highway market allows manufacturers in agriculture, mining and commercial trucking to test axle, engine and transmission assemblies at critical junctures throughout production and to move their digitization plans forward with software tools that collect, centrally store, analyze and report on data generated by their manufacturing tests and processes. By implementing our products for Process Monitoring and Data Management across their production lines, our customers can identify recurring quality problems, pinpoint the root cause, and analyze test and process data to gain the insight they need to eliminate the issue from the line quickly—all part of the promise of automation and Industry 4.0.

Unlocking data to overcome production downtime in agricultural manufacturing
An international agricultural machinery manufacturer faced an overwhelming amount of production data and no means of making it useful. See how QualityWorX helped them retrieve and analyze information from the line to quickly trace root cause when quality issues halted production.
Find out how they identified the issue in hours
Transmission NVH testing provides reliable pass/fail results
A major transmission manufacturer was facing expensive warranty repairs and productivity disruptions due to inconsistent transmissions coming off the line that couldn’t be detected with traditional methods. Find out how they used Sciemetric’s In-Process Test (IPT) solution to gain an objective and repeatable verdict on transmission quality.
Read the Transmission NVH Testing application note
Find defects others miss in tests and processes with In-Process Test (IPT)
sigPOD is a universal part test and process monitoring system that applies the industry’s most advanced signature analysis to deliver the most accurate defect detection.
Learn more about Sciemetric’s
Process Monitoring products
Better leak detection for large volume parts
Leaks are a big problem for off-highway manufacturers. The Sentinel 3520 is specifically designed to identify even the smallest leaks in parts with large volumes. It’s engineered for short cycle times, extreme accuracy, and provides ROI that supports your business case. Let us show you how our patented leak test technology can enhance your plant and your profitability.
Learn more about the Sentinel 3520, ideal for large part leak testing.
Data collection and analysis produces better vehicles
Our QualityWorX suite of data management and manufacturing analytics software brings together all the processes and tests that went into building a component or part for an off-highway vehicle, providing immediate visibility into problem areas and enabling the correlation of downstream failures to upstream assembly operations.