3520 系列
3520 系列泄漏检测仪以惊人的速度和精度,帮助您缩短生产线上的泄漏检测周期,同时保证测试的有效性。
Turnkey Leak Testing Stations
Sciemetric offers a selection of turnkey leak test stations to accommodate a wide range of applications on your production line or testing facility. Turnkey leak test stations make setup quick and easy.
Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Test Solutions
As the electric vehicle market continues to grow, Sciemetric has evolved its product line to help electric vehicle manufacturers test and monitor production processes to ensure quality and traceability on the line.
电动汽车市场持续蓬勃发展。Sciemetric 秉持与时俱进的理念,将产品线扩展至电动汽车领域,使电动汽车制造商可以监控检测生产过程,确保生产线的产品质量和可追溯性。
Model 3675 Turnkey Leak Test Station Datasheet
The Model 3675 Leak Test Station is a cost-effective turnkey station to deliver the speed and accuracy of Sciemetric leak testing in your plant. Use up to three 3520 Series Leak Test units controlled by a single sigPOD to conduct a range of leak tests, including pressure decay, mass flow, vacuum and more. The flexible Model 3675 can be used in production, in a lab or wherever you need to conduct a leak test.
型号 3675 数据表
型号 3675 检漏工作站是成本节约型的整体工作站,可满足 车间内 Sciemetric 检漏的速度和精度。采用多达三台 3520 系 列检漏装置,其由单个 sigPOD 控制,可进行广泛的泄漏测 试,包括压力衰减、质量流量、真空等等。型号 3675 可灵 活应用到实际生产当中,无论是在实验室,亦或是需要进行 检漏之处。
Top 10 Reasons: Sciemetric Leak Test Brochure
This brochure explores the Top 10 benefits delivered by Sciemetric's 3520 Series Leak Tester, including accuracy, speed, flexibility, ease of use, and more.
Application Note: Leak Testing of Carburetor Assemblies
When a manufacturer’s carburetor line had to gear up to take on the production of another plant, the Sentinel 3520 enabled them to meet the challenge. By dramatically improving the cycle time of their leak test system not only did they reduce the number of leak test stations by half, allowing them to incorporate the test into the line, they improved their quality.
E-book: 7 practical steps to a better manufacturing leak test
Leak testing is often an art as much as it is a science. Manufacturing quality engineers and machine operators on the production line must contend with variations in air supply, thermal effects, swings in ambient temperature, station setup and so on. Confidence in your leak test begins by mitigating all the external factors that can undermine accuracy and repeatability. That takes experience, armed with the right tools and process methodology. Let Sciemetric help you take the guesswork out of your leak test.
Video: Factors that influence fill time for parts before leak testing ("Ask The Experts" video series)
At Sciemetric, we’ve spent more than 35 years developing and delivering innovative solutions for the problems that plague manufacturing production lines. In this "Ask The Experts" video, Sciemetric expert Steve White outlines the top six factors that should be considered when looking as reducing the time it takes to fill a part before leak testing it.