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E-book: How to put your manufacturing data to work

From information overload to data-driven decisions 

There’s a huge gap in manufacturing today between having your production data and having the ability to use it in practical ways to resolve issues quickly. When the need of the hour arises, there’s no time to waste. Issues mean downtime – and that means production delays, cost implications, and even damaging impacts to your company’s reputation.

How easily can you set up test stations and know that the limits are right? Are you struggling to make a tradeoff between cycle time and reliability? How long does it take you to find root cause of an issue when you’re facing a potential quarantine? When these challenges come up, you want to arrive at a decision you can trust – fast and without fumbling with spreadsheets or stranded data.

E-book cover


In this e-book, we explain:

  • How to look at the production problems you’re experiencing to know if you have a gap between data and insight
  • How to turn Big Data…into better data
  • How to apply the right data management and analysis tools and capabilities to make your data work for you
  • How we are helping manufacturers bridge the gap between the data they collect and how they use it to drive continuous improvement