Application Note: Leak Testing for Compressible Limb Sleeves
Recycled pressure cuffs must be tested prior to reuse to ensure they meet the standards. The medical company needed not only to improve the accuracy, repeatability and reliability of the test that was being done manually, but also had to collect test data records for each part. Sciemetric developed a solution that automated the test, provided clear visibility into the process and complete part traceability. Read the Application Note to learn more.
Application Note | PSV for medical manufacturing: Product quality and risk management
How applying process signature technology helps medical device manufacturers apply risk management in a tough regulatory environment. Using a common hardware platform and software interface, Medical PSV offers a standard tool for managing risk across a wide array of medical device processes, such as: crimping, profiling, leak, swaging, functional test, welding - ultrasonic and more. Read the Application Note to learn more.