Application Note: Engine Assembly In-Process Testing (IPT) Using Process Signature Analysis
Why wait until end-of-line testing to find defects and root-cause when that leads to increased repair costs and lowers productivity. An engine defect can be introduced at any machining or assembly station, the sooner the defects are found the better. Sciemetric’s Engine In-process testing (IPT) solution finds and contains the defect(s) through various monitors installed along critical operations important for quality assurance, such as force, torque, leak, vibration, etc. With easy generation of yield and trend reports including full drill down, it’s fast to find to find root cause. Read the Application Note to learn more.
Application Note: Leak Testing for Compressible Limb Sleeves
Recycled pressure cuffs must be tested prior to reuse to ensure they meet the standards. The medical company needed not only to improve the accuracy, repeatability and reliability of the test that was being done manually, but also had to collect test data records for each part. Sciemetric developed a solution that automated the test, provided clear visibility into the process and complete part traceability. Read the Application Note to learn more.
Application Note: Long Block Verification
Missing piston rings in the engine caused a major engine manufacturer to experience excessive warranty charges from customers, and repairing this defect after the engine was installed in the vehicle was costly and time-consuming. Existing end-of-line testing was not detecting the missing piston rings or the resulting compression defects. Sciemetric’s long block verification solution applied at critical points throughout assembly identified timing, measured torque, pressure and cylinder combustion pressure related defects that were having the largest impact on their bottom line and yield. Being caught before end-of-line testing methods resulted in a decrease repair and warranty costs. Read the Application Note to learn more.
Application Note | PSV for medical manufacturing: Product quality and risk management
How applying process signature technology helps medical device manufacturers apply risk management in a tough regulatory environment. Using a common hardware platform and software interface, Medical PSV offers a standard tool for managing risk across a wide array of medical device processes, such as: crimping, profiling, leak, swaging, functional test, welding - ultrasonic and more. Read the Application Note to learn more.
Application Note | Rubber to Metal Bond Test: Conformance Verification
A manufacturer’s subjective method of testing rubber-to-metal bond using an application of tensile or shear load and observation of surface defects was missing defects. Sciemetric’s advanced integrity analysis system provides a cost efficient platform for testing, taking inputs from existing load cell and displacement transducers and working with additional sensors to detect even the most subtle non-visible bond defects ruptures. Read the Application Note to learn more.
Application Note: Crimp & Stake Verification
sigPOD offers a range of feature checks for crimp analysis, allowing device manufacturers to increase efficiency, drastically lower scrap rates, and maintain robust historical test data. Read the Application Note to learn more.
Application Note: Pop Rivet Monitor (AN167)
The entire crimping force waveform (force vs. time) is captured by the Signature Analysis system and the software then analyzes the waveform in order to identify defects and deviations in the process. The high speed of the Signature Analysis equipment allows 100% of the installed rivets to be verified leading to significant improvements in quality.