
It's time for another session of special virtual training events exclusively for Cummins. 

You must register to attend these training sessions. The sessions are free, as part of your Master Services Agreement with Sciemetric. They provide a great opportunity for you to get trained on our products and to get to know the team. Please see the training sessions, below: 

September 2023

Leak Test Overview | Tues, Sept 12 @ 9-11AM ET (2 HRS) 

This webinar will provide an introduction to leak testing basics and theory, giving you the background you need to successfully run reliable and repeatable leak tests on your line.

Register >

Hands-on Sessions: Using Sciemetric Studio

We have two sessions of this hands-on training where we’ll walk you through using Sciemetric Studio and its new features—including advanced trending, what-if analysis, how to change limits, using SPC-based charts and capabilities, removing data from data sets, and more. Pick the date that works best for you!

Session 1: Wed, Sept 13 @ 9-11 AM ET (2 HRS) – Register >

Session 2: Thurs, Sept 14 @ 2-4 PM ET (2 HRS) Register >